Gia Barboza-Salerno, JD, PhD

Assistant Professor

Joint Appointment, College of Social Work

Health Behavior and Health Promotion

Gia Barboza-Salerno


1841 Neil Ave.
352 Cunz Hall
Columbus, OH 43210
View CV

Dr. Gia Elise Barboza-Salerno’s scholarship focuses on the manifestation of violence across the lifespan from childhood to old age. Their work explores the multiple contextual influences of risk, including trauma, externalizing behaviors and substance abuse, on manifestations of interpersonal violence (e.g., domestic abuse, adolescent bullying), self-harm (e.g., suicide), and neglect in vulnerable populations (children, adolescents, LGBT individuals and the elderly). Dr. Barboza-Salerno’s research utilizes big data, nationally representative datasets, quasi-experimental and longitudinal research designs and methodologies, such as Growth Mixture Modeling, Parallel Process Modeling, and Bayesian Space-Time techniques. Their work has recently appeared in Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, Child Maltreatment, The Journal of Interpersonal Violence, and The Journal of Urban Health. Dr. Barboza-Salerno's work has been funded by the National Science Foundation, State Street and the United Way.

Dr. Barboza-Salerno currently serves as the Statistical Associate Editor for the journal Child Maltreatment. Dr. Barboza-Salerno is also an attorney who has worked in the courts as an advocate assisting domestic violence victims navigate the legal and criminal justice system.